[Python]Json 형식 Formatting

json 형태의 문자열을 보기좋게 포멧팅한다.

from urllib import request
import json

response = request.urlopen("https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users")
response_result = response.read()

d = json.loads(response_result)


from pprint import pprint


pprint(d, depth=3, indent=4, width=200)


pprint(d, depth=1, indent=4, width=200)

## 결과
[{'id': 1, 'name': 'Leanne Graham', 'username': 'Bret', 'email': 'Sincere@april.biz', 'address': {'street': 'Kulas Light', 'suite': 'Apt. 556', 'city': 'Gwenborough', 'zipcode': '92998-3874', 'geo': {'lat': '-37.3159', 'lng': '81.1496'}}, 'phone': '1-770-736-8031 x56442', 'website': 'hildegard.org', 'company': {'name': 'Romaguera-Crona', 'catchPhrase': 'Multi-layered client-server neural-net', 'bs': 'harness real-time e-markets'}}, {'id': 2, 'name': 'Ervin Howell', 'username': 'Antonette', 'email': 'Shanna@melissa.tv', 'address': {'street': 'Victor Plains', 'suite': 'Suite 879', 'city': 'Wisokyburgh', 'zipcode': '90566-7771', 'geo': {'lat': '-43.9509', 'lng': '-34.4618'}}, 'phone': '010-692-6593 x09125', 'website': 'anastasia.net', 'company': {'name': 'Deckow-Crist', 'catchPhrase': 'Proactive didactic contingency', 'bs': 'synergize scalable supply-chains'}}, {'id': 3, 'name': 'Clementine Bauch', 'username': 'Samantha', 'email': 'Nathan@yesenia.net', 'address': {'street': 'Douglas Extension', 'suite': 'Suite 847', 'city': 'McKenziehaven', 'zipcode': '59590-4157', 'geo': {'lat': '-68.6102', 'lng': '-47.0653'}}, 'phone': '1-463-123-4447', 'website': 'ramiro.info', 'company': {'name': 'Romaguera-Jacobson', 'catchPhrase': 'Face to face bifurcated interface', 'bs': 'e-enable strategic applications'}}, {'id': 4, 'name': 'Patricia Lebsack', 'username': 'Karianne', 'email': 'Julianne.OConner@kory.org', 'address': {'street': 'Hoeger Mall', 'suite': 'Apt. 692', 'city': 'South Elvis', 'zipcode': '53919-4257', 'geo': {'lat': '29.4572', 'lng': '-164.2990'}}, 'phone': '493-170-9623 x156', 'website': 'kale.biz', 'company': {'name': 'Robel-Corkery', 'catchPhrase': 'Multi-tiered zero tolerance productivity', 'bs': 'transition cutting-edge web services'}}, {'id': 5, 'name': 'Chelsey Dietrich', 'username': 'Kamren', 'email': 'Lucio_Hettinger@annie.ca', 'address': {'street': 'Skiles Walks', 'suite': 'Suite 351', 'city': 'Roscoeview', 'zipcode': '33263', 'geo': {'lat': '-31.8129', 'lng': '62.5342'}}, 'phone': '(254)954-1289', 'website': 'demarco.info', 'company': {'name': 'Keebler LLC', 'catchPhrase': 'User-centric fault-tolerant solution', 'bs': 'revolutionize end-to-end systems'}}, {'id': 6, 'name': 'Mrs. Dennis Schulist', 'username': 'Leopoldo_Corkery', 'email': 'Karley_Dach@jasper.info', 'address': {'street': 'Norberto Crossing', 'suite': 'Apt. 950', 'city': 'South Christy', 'zipcode': '23505-1337', 'geo': {'lat': '-71.4197', 'lng': '71.7478'}}, 'phone': '1-477-935-8478 x6430', 'website': 'ola.org', 'company': {'name': 'Considine-Lockman', 'catchPhrase': 'Synchronised bottom-line interface', 'bs': 'e-enable innovative applications'}}, {'id': 7, 'name': 'Kurtis Weissnat', 'username': 'Elwyn.Skiles', 'email': 'Telly.Hoeger@billy.biz', 'address': {'street': 'Rex Trail', 'suite': 'Suite 280', 'city': 'Howemouth', 'zipcode': '58804-1099', 'geo': {'lat': '24.8918', 'lng': '21.8984'}}, 'phone': '210.067.6132', 'website': 'elvis.io', 'company': {'name': 'Johns Group', 'catchPhrase': 'Configurable multimedia task-force', 'bs': 'generate enterprise e-tailers'}}, {'id': 8, 'name': 'Nicholas Runolfsdottir V', 'username': 'Maxime_Nienow', 'email': 'Sherwood@rosamond.me', 'address': {'street': 'Ellsworth Summit', 'suite': 'Suite 729', 'city': 'Aliyaview', 'zipcode': '45169', 'geo': {'lat': '-14.3990', 'lng': '-120.7677'}}, 'phone': '586.493.6943 x140', 'website': 'jacynthe.com', 'company': {'name': 'Abernathy Group', 'catchPhrase': 'Implemented secondary concept', 'bs': 'e-enable extensible e-tailers'}}, {'id': 9, 'name': 'Glenna Reichert', 'username': 'Delphine', 'email': 'Chaim_McDermott@dana.io', 'address': {'street': 'Dayna Park', 'suite': 'Suite 449', 'city': 'Bartholomebury', 'zipcode': '76495-3109', 'geo': {'lat': '24.6463', 'lng': '-168.8889'}}, 'phone': '(775)976-6794 x41206', 'website': 'conrad.com', 'company': {'name': 'Yost and Sons', 'catchPhrase': 'Switchable contextually-based project', 'bs': 'aggregate real-time technologies'}}, {'id': 10, 'name': 'Clementina DuBuque', 'username': 'Moriah.Stanton', 'email': 'Rey.Padberg@karina.biz', 'address': {'street': 'Kattie Turnpike', 'suite': 'Suite 198', 'city': 'Lebsackbury', 'zipcode': '31428-2261', 'geo': {'lat': '-38.2386', 'lng': '57.2232'}}, 'phone': '024-648-3804', 'website': 'ambrose.net', 'company': {'name': 'Hoeger LLC', 'catchPhrase': 'Centralized empowering task-force', 'bs': 'target end-to-end models'}}]

[{'address': {'city': 'Gwenborough',
              'geo': {'lat': '-37.3159', 'lng': '81.1496'},
              'street': 'Kulas Light',
              'suite': 'Apt. 556',
              'zipcode': '92998-3874'},
  'company': {'bs': 'harness real-time e-markets',
              'catchPhrase': 'Multi-layered client-server neural-net',
              'name': 'Romaguera-Crona'},
  'email': 'Sincere@april.biz',
  'id': 1,
  'name': 'Leanne Graham',
  'phone': '1-770-736-8031 x56442',
  'username': 'Bret',
  'website': 'hildegard.org'},
 {'address': {'city': 'Wisokyburgh',
              'geo': {'lat': '-43.9509', 'lng': '-34.4618'},
              'street': 'Victor Plains',
              'suite': 'Suite 879',
              'zipcode': '90566-7771'},
  'company': {'bs': 'synergize scalable supply-chains',
              'catchPhrase': 'Proactive didactic contingency',
              'name': 'Deckow-Crist'},
  'email': 'Shanna@melissa.tv',
  'id': 2,
  'name': 'Ervin Howell',
  'phone': '010-692-6593 x09125',
  'username': 'Antonette',
  'website': 'anastasia.net'},
 {'address': {'city': 'McKenziehaven',
              'geo': {'lat': '-68.6102', 'lng': '-47.0653'},
              'street': 'Douglas Extension',
              'suite': 'Suite 847',
              'zipcode': '59590-4157'},
  'company': {'bs': 'e-enable strategic applications',
              'catchPhrase': 'Face to face bifurcated interface',
              'name': 'Romaguera-Jacobson'},
  'email': 'Nathan@yesenia.net',
  'id': 3,
  'name': 'Clementine Bauch',
  'phone': '1-463-123-4447',
  'username': 'Samantha',
  'website': 'ramiro.info'},
 {'address': {'city': 'South Elvis',
              'geo': {'lat': '29.4572', 'lng': '-164.2990'},
              'street': 'Hoeger Mall',
              'suite': 'Apt. 692',
              'zipcode': '53919-4257'},
  'company': {'bs': 'transition cutting-edge web services',
              'catchPhrase': 'Multi-tiered zero tolerance productivity',
              'name': 'Robel-Corkery'},
  'email': 'Julianne.OConner@kory.org',
  'id': 4,
  'name': 'Patricia Lebsack',
  'phone': '493-170-9623 x156',
  'username': 'Karianne',
  'website': 'kale.biz'},
 {'address': {'city': 'Roscoeview',
              'geo': {'lat': '-31.8129', 'lng': '62.5342'},
              'street': 'Skiles Walks',
              'suite': 'Suite 351',
              'zipcode': '33263'},
  'company': {'bs': 'revolutionize end-to-end systems',
              'catchPhrase': 'User-centric fault-tolerant solution',
              'name': 'Keebler LLC'},
  'email': 'Lucio_Hettinger@annie.ca',
  'id': 5,
  'name': 'Chelsey Dietrich',
  'phone': '(254)954-1289',
  'username': 'Kamren',
  'website': 'demarco.info'},
 {'address': {'city': 'South Christy',
              'geo': {'lat': '-71.4197', 'lng': '71.7478'},
              'street': 'Norberto Crossing',
              'suite': 'Apt. 950',
              'zipcode': '23505-1337'},
  'company': {'bs': 'e-enable innovative applications',
              'catchPhrase': 'Synchronised bottom-line interface',
              'name': 'Considine-Lockman'},
  'email': 'Karley_Dach@jasper.info',
  'id': 6,
  'name': 'Mrs. Dennis Schulist',
  'phone': '1-477-935-8478 x6430',
  'username': 'Leopoldo_Corkery',
  'website': 'ola.org'},
 {'address': {'city': 'Howemouth',
              'geo': {'lat': '24.8918', 'lng': '21.8984'},
              'street': 'Rex Trail',
              'suite': 'Suite 280',
              'zipcode': '58804-1099'},
  'company': {'bs': 'generate enterprise e-tailers',
              'catchPhrase': 'Configurable multimedia task-force',
              'name': 'Johns Group'},
  'email': 'Telly.Hoeger@billy.biz',
  'id': 7,
  'name': 'Kurtis Weissnat',
  'phone': '210.067.6132',
  'username': 'Elwyn.Skiles',
  'website': 'elvis.io'},
 {'address': {'city': 'Aliyaview',
              'geo': {'lat': '-14.3990', 'lng': '-120.7677'},
              'street': 'Ellsworth Summit',
              'suite': 'Suite 729',
              'zipcode': '45169'},
  'company': {'bs': 'e-enable extensible e-tailers',
              'catchPhrase': 'Implemented secondary concept',
              'name': 'Abernathy Group'},
  'email': 'Sherwood@rosamond.me',
  'id': 8,
  'name': 'Nicholas Runolfsdottir V',
  'phone': '586.493.6943 x140',
  'username': 'Maxime_Nienow',
  'website': 'jacynthe.com'},
 {'address': {'city': 'Bartholomebury',
              'geo': {'lat': '24.6463', 'lng': '-168.8889'},
              'street': 'Dayna Park',
              'suite': 'Suite 449',
              'zipcode': '76495-3109'},
  'company': {'bs': 'aggregate real-time technologies',
              'catchPhrase': 'Switchable contextually-based project',
              'name': 'Yost and Sons'},
  'email': 'Chaim_McDermott@dana.io',
  'id': 9,
  'name': 'Glenna Reichert',
  'phone': '(775)976-6794 x41206',
  'username': 'Delphine',
  'website': 'conrad.com'},
 {'address': {'city': 'Lebsackbury',
              'geo': {'lat': '-38.2386', 'lng': '57.2232'},
              'street': 'Kattie Turnpike',
              'suite': 'Suite 198',
              'zipcode': '31428-2261'},
  'company': {'bs': 'target end-to-end models',
              'catchPhrase': 'Centralized empowering task-force',
              'name': 'Hoeger LLC'},
  'email': 'Rey.Padberg@karina.biz',
  'id': 10,
  'name': 'Clementina DuBuque',
  'phone': '024-648-3804',
  'username': 'Moriah.Stanton',
  'website': 'ambrose.net'}]

[   {   'address': {'city': 'Gwenborough', 'geo': {...}, 'street': 'Kulas Light', 'suite': 'Apt. 556', 'zipcode': '92998-3874'},
        'company': {'bs': 'harness real-time e-markets', 'catchPhrase': 'Multi-layered client-server neural-net', 'name': 'Romaguera-Crona'},
        'email': 'Sincere@april.biz',
        'id': 1,
        'name': 'Leanne Graham',
        'phone': '1-770-736-8031 x56442',
        'username': 'Bret',
        'website': 'hildegard.org'},
    {   'address': {'city': 'Wisokyburgh', 'geo': {...}, 'street': 'Victor Plains', 'suite': 'Suite 879', 'zipcode': '90566-7771'},
        'company': {'bs': 'synergize scalable supply-chains', 'catchPhrase': 'Proactive didactic contingency', 'name': 'Deckow-Crist'},
        'email': 'Shanna@melissa.tv',
        'id': 2,
        'name': 'Ervin Howell',
        'phone': '010-692-6593 x09125',
        'username': 'Antonette',
        'website': 'anastasia.net'},
    {   'address': {'city': 'McKenziehaven', 'geo': {...}, 'street': 'Douglas Extension', 'suite': 'Suite 847', 'zipcode': '59590-4157'},
        'company': {'bs': 'e-enable strategic applications', 'catchPhrase': 'Face to face bifurcated interface', 'name': 'Romaguera-Jacobson'},
        'email': 'Nathan@yesenia.net',
        'id': 3,
        'name': 'Clementine Bauch',
        'phone': '1-463-123-4447',
        'username': 'Samantha',
        'website': 'ramiro.info'},
    {   'address': {'city': 'South Elvis', 'geo': {...}, 'street': 'Hoeger Mall', 'suite': 'Apt. 692', 'zipcode': '53919-4257'},
        'company': {'bs': 'transition cutting-edge web services', 'catchPhrase': 'Multi-tiered zero tolerance productivity', 'name': 'Robel-Corkery'},
        'email': 'Julianne.OConner@kory.org',
        'id': 4,
        'name': 'Patricia Lebsack',
        'phone': '493-170-9623 x156',
        'username': 'Karianne',
        'website': 'kale.biz'},
    {   'address': {'city': 'Roscoeview', 'geo': {...}, 'street': 'Skiles Walks', 'suite': 'Suite 351', 'zipcode': '33263'},
        'company': {'bs': 'revolutionize end-to-end systems', 'catchPhrase': 'User-centric fault-tolerant solution', 'name': 'Keebler LLC'},
        'email': 'Lucio_Hettinger@annie.ca',
        'id': 5,
        'name': 'Chelsey Dietrich',
        'phone': '(254)954-1289',
        'username': 'Kamren',
        'website': 'demarco.info'},
    {   'address': {'city': 'South Christy', 'geo': {...}, 'street': 'Norberto Crossing', 'suite': 'Apt. 950', 'zipcode': '23505-1337'},
        'company': {'bs': 'e-enable innovative applications', 'catchPhrase': 'Synchronised bottom-line interface', 'name': 'Considine-Lockman'},
        'email': 'Karley_Dach@jasper.info',
        'id': 6,
        'name': 'Mrs. Dennis Schulist',
        'phone': '1-477-935-8478 x6430',
        'username': 'Leopoldo_Corkery',
        'website': 'ola.org'},
    {   'address': {'city': 'Howemouth', 'geo': {...}, 'street': 'Rex Trail', 'suite': 'Suite 280', 'zipcode': '58804-1099'},
        'company': {'bs': 'generate enterprise e-tailers', 'catchPhrase': 'Configurable multimedia task-force', 'name': 'Johns Group'},
        'email': 'Telly.Hoeger@billy.biz',
        'id': 7,
        'name': 'Kurtis Weissnat',
        'phone': '210.067.6132',
        'username': 'Elwyn.Skiles',
        'website': 'elvis.io'},
    {   'address': {'city': 'Aliyaview', 'geo': {...}, 'street': 'Ellsworth Summit', 'suite': 'Suite 729', 'zipcode': '45169'},
        'company': {'bs': 'e-enable extensible e-tailers', 'catchPhrase': 'Implemented secondary concept', 'name': 'Abernathy Group'},
        'email': 'Sherwood@rosamond.me',
        'id': 8,
        'name': 'Nicholas Runolfsdottir V',
        'phone': '586.493.6943 x140',
        'username': 'Maxime_Nienow',
        'website': 'jacynthe.com'},
    {   'address': {'city': 'Bartholomebury', 'geo': {...}, 'street': 'Dayna Park', 'suite': 'Suite 449', 'zipcode': '76495-3109'},
        'company': {'bs': 'aggregate real-time technologies', 'catchPhrase': 'Switchable contextually-based project', 'name': 'Yost and Sons'},
        'email': 'Chaim_McDermott@dana.io',
        'id': 9,
        'name': 'Glenna Reichert',
        'phone': '(775)976-6794 x41206',
        'username': 'Delphine',
        'website': 'conrad.com'},
    {   'address': {'city': 'Lebsackbury', 'geo': {...}, 'street': 'Kattie Turnpike', 'suite': 'Suite 198', 'zipcode': '31428-2261'},
        'company': {'bs': 'target end-to-end models', 'catchPhrase': 'Centralized empowering task-force', 'name': 'Hoeger LLC'},
        'email': 'Rey.Padberg@karina.biz',
        'id': 10,
        'name': 'Clementina DuBuque',
        'phone': '024-648-3804',
        'username': 'Moriah.Stanton',
        'website': 'ambrose.net'}]

[{...}, {...}, {...}, {...}, {...}, {...}, {...}, {...}, {...}, {...}]

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