[Spring Data JPA]쿼리 메소드 기능

Spring Data JPA에서 제공해주는 기능 중 메소드명으로 쿼리를 가능하게 해주는 기술이 있다.

자주 쓰는 기술 몇 가지에 대해 알아보자.

  • Select : find___By, read___By, query___By, get__By
    • 예: findById(Long id), findUsernameById(Long id), readPhoneNumberByUserId(String id)
  • Count : count__By , (long 반환)
  • Exits : exists__BY, (boolean 반환)
  • Delete : delete__By, remove__By (long 반환)
  • Distinct : findDistinctBy___
  • Limit : findFirst3, findFirst, findTop, findTop3

참고 : __ 은 생략 가능하다.

더 자세한 것은 공식사이트를 참조하자. (공식사이트)

KeywordSampleJPQL snippet
DistinctfindDistinctByLastnameAndFirstnameselect distinct …​ where x.lastname = ?1 and x.firstname = ?2
AndfindByLastnameAndFirstname… where x.lastname = ?1 and x.firstname = ?2
OrfindByLastnameOrFirstname… where x.lastname = ?1 or x.firstname = ?2
IsEqualsfindByFirstname,findByFirstnameIs,findByFirstnameEquals… where x.firstname = ?1
BetweenfindByStartDateBetween… where x.startDate between ?1 and ?2
LessThanfindByAgeLessThan… where x.age < ?1
LessThanEqualfindByAgeLessThanEqual… where x.age <= ?1
GreaterThanfindByAgeGreaterThan… where x.age > ?1
GreaterThanEqualfindByAgeGreaterThanEqual… where x.age >= ?1
AfterfindByStartDateAfter… where x.startDate > ?1
BeforefindByStartDateBefore… where x.startDate < ?1
IsNullNullfindByAge(Is)Null… where x.age is null
IsNotNullNotNullfindByAge(Is)NotNull… where x.age not null
LikefindByFirstnameLike… where x.firstname like ?1
NotLikefindByFirstnameNotLike… where x.firstname not like ?1
StartingWithfindByFirstnameStartingWith… where x.firstname like ?1 (parameter bound with appended %)
EndingWithfindByFirstnameEndingWith… where x.firstname like ?1 (parameter bound with prepended %)
ContainingfindByFirstnameContaining… where x.firstname like ?1 (parameter bound wrapped in %)
OrderByfindByAgeOrderByLastnameDesc… where x.age = ?1 order by x.lastname desc
NotfindByLastnameNot… where x.lastname <> ?1
InfindByAgeIn(Collection<Age> ages)… where x.age in ?1
NotInfindByAgeNotIn(Collection<Age> ages)… where x.age not in ?1
TruefindByActiveTrue()… where x.active = true
FalsefindByActiveFalse()… where x.active = false
IgnoreCasefindByFirstnameIgnoreCase… where UPPER(x.firstname) = UPPER(?1)

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